Tuesday, May 16, 2023

R A Ruadh

Sonnet for a Forest

Lives falling down like raindrops around me day by day
The famous and the infamous and just humans that I’ve known
Music and memory makers of my growing and the way
They carved my path with signposts so I was not alone

Preceded by my parents I did not yet have to start
To be oldest or an elder with those other elders round
Yet the forest keeps on thinning as ancient ones depart
I’ve grown uncomfortably tall between heaven and the ground

The sky brightens and frightens as it’s making room for me
I practice sheltering understory younglings while I can
Each leaf must teach the lessons of the fruit from every tree
For one day only I will reach high upon the land

I miss them I am them they nourish me root and limb
For only if I reach the sky will saplings know how to climb

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