Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Lob Instagon

The Girl at the Soda Shop

I’m in love with the sweet girl at the soda shop
She makes sandwiches and hand scoops ice cream
Every time I see her it makes my heart stop
Her 2 scoop sundaes are like stuff from a dream.
I sat and watched her sculpt 2 banana splits
like a desert artist she created the divine treat
ice cream with fruit topped with sprinkle bits.
A fresh living painting but smothered with sweet
She delivers with a smile and the smile is returned
the customer’s face lights up with excitement
the delicious delight for which they have yearned
is now their source of exquisite enlightenment
She makes people smile, and it makes her smile
And I’ve been lost in love with her for a while

I’m in love with the cute soda fountain girl
Pouring bubbly sodas and serving cold sweets
She dances behind the counter almost with a twirl
Then moves from the counter to the booth seats.
taking orders for cold sodas, cookies, & lunch
as she pours, scoops, and slices up more dreams.
She amazes me every day, I love her so much
But I’m probably eating too many ice creams.
I visit just to see her and end up with a scoop
they have sugar free vanilla and diet cola too
Some how I think I might be being duped
Into buying more desert than one should do.
But she is so dreamy, and I so I just cant stop
I am in love with the woman at the soda shop.

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Patrick Thomas Jeffries

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