A Love Sonnet to Capitali$m
How can they call a corporation a person?
Does a company have a soul to save
or a body that can be thrown into prison?
Was its origin a womb? Is its destiny a grave?
We are told like a good neighbor they are there.
Goods and services we enjoy come from profit motivation.
Is there too many greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere?
Leave it to capitalism to come up with market based solutions
When it comes to sharing with family and others,
individuals participating in corporations may be more than generous.
But when it comes to exploiting Mother Earth and sweatshop workers,
to maximize profits, they in their institutional role have become monstrous.*
A whole galaxy of things is manufactured to make a better living
but Old Man Capital just says tough shit to anyone losing employment
*From a Noam Chomsky comment in documentary, Corporation
We know there are at least two trillion galaxies
In the observable universe and that most of them soar
Through space with super massive black holes at their core
Around which a few hundred billion stars spiral in Van Gogh ecstasy.
We are also aware of inner as well as outer space journeys.
Neil deGrasse Tyson tells us, “There are as many atoms to explore
In a single molecule from our DNA store
As there are stars in a typical galaxy.”
Pascal said in relationship to the everything I am nothing.
However, when I stand before the nothing I can see
Myself as someone who has become everything.
Tyson has also said that the universe beyond me
Is also within me which I find so fucking mind boggling!
Is this wonder I feel a material spirituality?
Our Mother's Lungs Are on Fire
Our land has been destroyed by fossil fuel extraction.
Our Mother's lungs are on fire—a fire fueled by capitalism.1 2
Why must progress look so much like destruction?3
Young people fear a future threatened by a climate cataclysm.
More and more primates are threatened by an extinction economy.
Incremental measures as carbon markets and offsets are false solutions.
Carbon emissions have risen 60% since first IPCC report in 1990.
We are not moving in the right direction.4
Upper 1/10th of humanity responsible for half of greenhouse gas emissions.
The more stuff consumed, the more carbon dioxide sent to the skies.
Banks must cease the reckless funding for coal, oil and gas expansion.
Unless violence against Mother Earth and Father Sky stopped, we won’t survive.
Media tell the truth - fossil fueled global heating is a planetary emergency!
We need an economic transformation to avert an irreversible climate catastrophe.
Amazon rainforest— our planet’s lungs which supplies 20% of the world's oxygen 1
From a Twitter tweet from Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) 2
John Steinbeck 3
Greta Thunberg 4
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