Monday, May 15, 2023

Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal

Waiting Here

Waiting here, I lose nothing but time.
I stand here like a statue with steady 
breath. I am the solitary eternal.
Please pinch my cheek at night to

remind me I need to go home and
sleep. I wait without regret in the place
we first met. I bring a flower for you.
In despair, I do not know what else

I can do. You have been gone for so
long, disappeared from my life. I am
all alone by design because there is

no other. I have nothing else to lose.
I stand here by the river waiting for you
on this drizzly, lazy autumn day.

The Pale Man 

The pale man looks much more
pale all dressed in black, except
for the flowery tattoos on his arms 
and that blue fishlike left eye.

How drunk he seems some days.
He is an out an out drunkard.
How delicately he climbs the stairs.
So exhausted from the binge drinking,

he forgets his name as he trembles.
His lips become mute and moist.
His one dark eye stares vacantly.

His spectacles are legendary.
He smokes thin cigarettes and 
makes puffy clouds on command.

Nothing Planned 

Blind but awake
the morning sun in my eyes 
as I step out of my house
with plans of doing nothing planned.

It is cold outside.

I left my jacket behind.
I spent all morning 
arguing with myself, pointless 
arguments, but arguments nonetheless.

I was unwilling to make plans.
I was afraid they would fall apart.

My plans of doing nothing 
might be off putting to some.
The truth is, I would have it no other way.

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