Monday, May 15, 2023

Mark A Fisher


the darkness opens wide its midnight eyes
to gaze out upon this world bright sunlit
sparkling and beautiful yet filled with lies

or misunderstandings we all commit
as we tell stories of the lives of shades
though never find we can ever admit

we’re lemures playacting in someone’s hades
just villains or heroes in echoed tales
pantomiming strawmen in cheap charades

ignoring then the distasteful details
still accepting this delightful disguise
forever awaiting it always fails

sparkling and beautiful yet filled with lies
the darkness opens wide its midnight eyes

the key

it was a lazy dive bar attitude
written on a manual typewriter
in some bygone tropical latitude
while the money just kept gettin’ tighter

his motto “write drunk and edit sober”
only ended up making him a drunk
unable to write and always hung over
and all the rejections that filled his trunk

with a muse that slept in his rumpled bed
just abandoning him to his own mind
and all the horrors still locked in his head
mixed with the golden words still unrefined

in the end it was just his life’s blood spilled
and all those pretty dreams left unfulfilled

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