Tuesday, May 16, 2023

CLS Sandoval

Forest in the Morning  


Creek smooths rocks on its way to the small pond 

Weeping willows bend to the clear water 

Skies clouded with mist threaten to pour down 

Tall grasses dance slightly in the light breeze 

Tree canopies protect the ground below 

A subtle rustle in a bush gives way 

To a rabbit hoping toward the creek 

Then another is not too far behind 

A deer steps into the clearing nearby 

An owl goes to sleep as a songbird sings 

There have been no people here for ages 

The plants can grow, animals can be free 

But the developers are getting close 

Utopia is under constant threat 


If My Daughter Could Have it Better 


I am my own worst nightmare, enemy 

No I never learn my lessons easy 

I decided the hard way was the best 

Mom said I lied when the truth fit better 

Others said, “You can’t.”  I heard, “I dare you.” 

My politics always offend many 

I dated so many of the wrong man 

I gave into vices for far too long 

If there was a path of least resistance 

I would run as far as I could away 

Never wanting to ask for help, ever 

I made my life so much more difficult  

Then you came into my life, perfect girl 

I want you to have it so much better 


Best Mom Ever 


Today on my flight to Sacramento 

Jotting words with the pen she bought for me 

The rainbow one with the “diamond” on it 

She picked the one that says “best mom ever” 

Most days I don’t feel I live up to that 

Every single day feels so very long 

No day is ever productive enough 

I am always torn between being mom 

And attempting to be my own person 

There is always so much more work to do 

Work at home, work at work, work to be mom 

When I pick her up from school, she tells me, 

“I missed you so much, Mom!” Then she hugs me 

I hug her back and just try to enjoy 

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Patrick Thomas Jeffries

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