Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Thom Garzone



I offer on lips of heaven's heart

delivering you to a world that's unfair

When I lost my way, refusing to care,

life marched on as I made a new start


Vast roads before me, both veiled & free

blended the spirit with a bitterness of sea,

a course, which bled a lonely sound

for it were shades of serenity I found


I dream of your face, or how it ought to look

writing verses to your meaning in each & every book,

songs of my soul, tears that drip with pain

benign disorders when I search for sane


All that I struggle for becomes clear & true

to find this vision within me who only is you


Clad in crimson, an attractive Ariel forms

eternal in reflections, magic, amorous, free

comforting my senses aside that sea

when this sentinel lies before day dawns

forever in unison, yet this psalm mourns

unlocks my latent heart, unchained in me

as one sacred creed to open what key

for I enter an age, becoming reborn


Yet such a prince of hidden wrathful ways

entrenched in lies steeped of hedonist tales

you drained me of vigor, your blinding rays

delivered me once to your dense, unholy grail

driven with debacle, you abysmal sage

mock me with dread, imprisoned by another male




This is my tribute to the world of words and woe

Squandering beside rivers, forests embedded in dreams

More than ever I look through a lens that gleams

For whatever traverses and in stars that glow

May I sing to you here and let my stories flow

These struggles suspend, like bridges they seem

Once moving to crests and meadows, only to find I’m green

Encrypting tales grappling with thoughtful growth which sow

And create solitude focusing within mastering the free

Magically moved to forms of time so fearfully far

Standing somewhere, some time crossing another sea

Never found or lost, though only feeling marred

Wondering I gaze at vast volumes that mark a decree

Skilled in that wonder searching, reaching, and finding those stars

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Patrick Thomas Jeffries

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