Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Michelle Smith


Reflection to 2019
is a swimming pool.
Dolphin kicks
and the backstroke.
I can feel the water.
Blue and splashing in my dreams.
Smell the chlorine and
the warmth of a sunbeam touch
on my skin bronzing me naturally.
My arms and legs in unison in flight.
In 2020 my mind and the world is changing
a kaleidoscope before our very eyes.
Year 202@ disconnect me from the decade
and not allow my memories to fade.

Fly My Way

Fly my way in twos quickly
Monarch Butterfly
Wings are in Black and Yellow ooh
with a bit of spots of blue.
The Swallowtail, yes that is you.
Your ancestral flights flourish in the sky.
Just you and I.
Find me for a talk to you.
Seek the flowers you glean nectar from.
Cover the tree leaf you will pollinate.
Color the love your wings will share,
and teach your beauty
so others will emulate.

My Tree

My tree to climb is the ladder of life.
Family branches in all lengths are roots
that cement my ancestry
from deep and rich sepia soil soul.

Connections are extensions and
leaves of love. My parentage
is my fathers sunlight and shade;
protection from the elements.

My mothers lessons of color, crispness,
clarity: her perseverance and strength.
Moms loving branches that held me close
to dads that held mine with guidance: their hands.

These are more valuable than
the autumn of red, brown, and gold.
They are my seasons from youth to old.

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